Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Impact Of Media On Social Media - 910 Words

Ten years ago, there was no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. Our lives did not revolve around a stream of status updates and social media. We ve seen social media evolve from a fad to a phenomenon in the way the world communicates. The Internet and social media have become so much a part of the lives of many. Mat Honan previously a senior staff writer with Wired an American magazine, published in both print and online editions in 2014, would report emerging technologies that affect culture, the economy, and politics. He wrote an article called â€Å"I liked everything I saw on Facebook for Two Days, Here’s What It Did to Me.† Honan wanted to see what would happen to Facebook if he liked everything even if he hated it. This was a test to see if there are negative effects of liking everything on social media. He also claimed liking is a way for businesses and ego-feeders to be successful. They can track their campaigns on Facebook by how many times it is liked. Th e more likes they receive the more successful they will be. Analyzing his article his purpose was to convince his readers Facebook has become about brands and messaging, rather than human interaction and Facebook’s robots decide what you can see in your feed. He uses personal stories and experiences to make Facebook users and the Facebook PR department believe his credibility. These appeals to ethos, combined with his humorous tone creates an effective argument that Facebook s liking has become a serious problemShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Media On Social Media Essay1035 Words   |  5 PagesNegative influence of Catfishing in Social Media Most of us use social media in some part of our day. Statista statistics claim, â€Å"In 2016 there is 78 percent of U.S. Americans had a social media profile, representing a five percent growth compared to the previous year.† This number will increase as we rely more and more on technology. 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